GMAT Score of 620, GPA of 3.92 and 2 years of experience

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Joined: Fri Dec 12, 2008 4:42 am
GMAT Score:620
Hello ... I am Lebanese (Middle East) and I am seeking a PhD degree from the US. I have the following scores:
GMAT (1st time): 600
GMAT (2nd time): 620 (44 quantitative, 31 verbal, 6 writing)
GPA: 3.92
Undergraduate major: Computer Engineering
Undegraduate University: Lebanese American University in Lebanon

I also have an MBA degree from LAU. I am a female. I have been a graduate research assistant for the past 5 years. I am seeking a phd degree in Operations management or quantitative analysis.

What are my chances of getting into the following universities: cincinnatti, chicago, washington, purdue, florida state, carnegie mellon???? I do not have time to sit for the GMAT again. What other university names can you offer me?