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A huge congrats to you, Dayln! I also had a low GMAT score (620) and I'm delighted to see other people not letting the GMAT beat them! Also - fun fact: one of my adorable twin nephews is named Dayln with the exact same spelling as you! I'd never seen that before, so your post especially caught my ey...

Hi michaelangelo25, You likely have already made your decision, but I just wanted to weigh in with a different perspective and say that I have consistently seen my clients be happiest when they chose whichever school they were most genuinely interested and excited to go to--even if that school is no...

by Kaneisha Grayson

Tue Jan 26, 2016 8:25 am
Forum: The Application Process
Topic: which school ??? Urgent !!!
Replies: 7
Views: 2632

Hi Vaishnavi3, I want to echo some of the advice you've received so far and encourage you to get 2-5 years of work experience before you apply to business school. Other things you can do to strengthen your candidacy between now and when you plan to apply is: 1) Make sure you have taken (while in col...

by Kaneisha Grayson

Tue Jan 26, 2016 8:17 am
Forum: The Application Process
Topic: Missed most of the application deadlines
Replies: 7
Views: 3064

Hi crackm7, I completely understand your dilemma as an entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur myself, I sometimes wonder who I would get to write my letters if I needed to apply to school again! I've worked with several entrepreneurs on their business school (and policy school) applications, and choosing ...

by Kaneisha Grayson

Tue Jan 26, 2016 8:00 am
Forum: The Application Process
Topic: Who should be my Recommender ? - Entrepreneur
Replies: 5
Views: 3917

I agree with Michael that you should probably wait to apply for the next season's admission cycle. For example, if you plan to apply by Round 1 deadlines in September/October, I recommend you give yourself enough time to take the test 3 times. For example, you could take it: * Saturday, April 9, 201...

by Kaneisha Grayson

Mon Jan 25, 2016 9:25 am
Forum: The Application Process
Topic: MBA analysis
Replies: 4
Views: 2243

Hi PrateekParekh, I would definitely recommend you apply to Arizona's MBA this year as they have the Forward Focus MBA program, which provides a full scholarship to all admitted students (not sure if it will continue beyond this year): The de...

by Kaneisha Grayson

Mon Jan 25, 2016 9:20 am
Forum: The Application Process
Topic: Need help with B-school selection @680
Replies: 6
Views: 2504

Hi LawKid123, I'm sorry you're not loving law school / the idea of practicing law, but the earlier you find out the better. If you're a 1L, and depending on which school you currently attend, you could apply to business school during your first year of law school and be a joint JD/MBA degree student...

by Kaneisha Grayson

Wed Oct 07, 2015 3:26 pm
Forum: The Application Process
Topic: Business School Immediately After Law School
Replies: 2
Views: 1479

Hi Lost Soul, Misogyny and office politics definitely are a challenge to deal with—as an employee and then again as you have to wonder if you should explain your lack of promotion to AdComs. I think it's very hard to write persuasively about misogyny and office politics in your optional essay (esp...

Hi LateRunner, If you apply by January 2016 (Round 2), you will start school in September 2016 and graduate from a 2-year MBA program in May 2018. If you apply in September 2016 (Round 1), you will start business school in September 2017 and graduate from a 2-year MBA program in May 2019. I know it ...

by Kaneisha Grayson

Mon Sep 28, 2015 9:43 am
Forum: The Application Process
Topic: Need clarity over Admission Process
Replies: 5
Views: 2261

Hi Ananya, I know your pain! I love to do 100 different things at once. In fact, my poor employees have to field all my ideas on a weekly basis and help me figure out which ones we're actually going to move forward on. The multipassionate struggle is real, my friend! Digvijayk's generous sharing of ...

by Kaneisha Grayson

Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:49 pm
Forum: The Application Process
Topic: Help in Extracurriculars
Replies: 6
Views: 3374

Hi Prakhar, I'm going to add to the good advice you've already received but say it a bit more "in your face" (but with love): Going to graduate school to avoid or postpone the real world and/or the job market is not a good idea at all. I was admitted to Harvard Business School to their Def...

Hey there jaw5xs, I'm going to go against the crowd a bit and say that I do think it would be better if you had experienced a raise and/or title change and that the AdCom will notice. Admissions committees don't ask for your salary information for every single recent job for no reason. Among wanting...

by Kaneisha Grayson

Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:25 pm
Forum: The Application Process
Topic: Boss left now report to the CEO but no promotion
Replies: 15
Views: 5772

Hey Pottsy44, I've worked with lots of Australians (I have no idea why, but I've enjoyed it!) and I would say that you could count on you being Australian being of some interest to the admissions committee but it's not going to be an application gamechanger by any means. In order to make up for your...

by Kaneisha Grayson

Thu Apr 02, 2015 7:35 pm
Forum: The Application Process
Topic: Australian looking at US MBA's
Replies: 3
Views: 1997

Hi Deathspank, Please excuse the brevity of my response (especially in light of how much information you provided), but I just wanted to chime in and say that you should not be having as much trouble as you have been getting admitted to a top 30 MBA program with a 710 GMAT and 3.0 GPA as an accompli...

by Kaneisha Grayson

Mon Mar 02, 2015 10:50 am
Forum: The Application Process
Topic: Best of bad options
Replies: 2
Views: 2092

USC/Pepperdine MBA - low GPA

Hey Is0303! You're definitely going to want to take some supplementary coursework in order to improve your chances of admission. I often work with candidates with low GPAs, but 2.3 would probably be the lowest I've seen yet. That doesn't mean your case is hopeless. I have a post here that discusses ...

by Kaneisha Grayson

Mon Mar 02, 2015 10:37 am
Forum: The Application Process
Topic: USC/Pepperdine MBA - low GPA
Replies: 1
Views: 4141