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IMO (B) The life-style of the Mbuti is similar to that of prehistoric humans.

by poonam1279

Sun Sep 20, 2009 10:09 pm
Forum: Critical Reasoning
Topic: industrialization.
Replies: 6
Views: 1750
by poonam1279

Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:06 am
Forum: Critical Reasoning
Topic: GMAT-LSAT CR Neuroscientists
Replies: 14
Views: 3355

GMAT LSAT CR main point of the passage

Most discussions of the factors contributing to improvements in public health greatly underestimate the influence of the values held by individuals. This influence is indicated by the fact that the astonishing decline in mortality from infectious disease during the past century was primarily due to ...

by poonam1279

Sat Jul 18, 2009 9:52 am
Forum: Critical Reasoning
Topic: GMAT LSAT CR main point of the passage
Replies: 6
Views: 1977

GMAT LSAT CR Some good cooks are gourmet cooks

Some good cooks are gourmet cooks who pride themselves on always using extravagantly rich ingredients in elaborate recipes. Some good cooks can be characterized as fast-food cooks. They may use rich ingredients as long as the recipes are easy to follow and take little time. Other good cooks are heal...

by poonam1279

Sat Jul 18, 2009 9:51 am
Forum: Critical Reasoning
Topic: GMAT LSAT CR Some good cooks are gourmet cooks
Replies: 4
Views: 2848

GMAT LSAT CR peculiar evil of silencing the expression

The peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is that it robs the human race. It takes from posterity, as well as the existing generation, and from those who dissent from the opinion even more than from those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of...

by poonam1279

Sat Jul 18, 2009 9:49 am
Forum: Critical Reasoning
Topic: GMAT LSAT CR peculiar evil of silencing the expression
Replies: 4
Views: 3656

GMAT LSAT CR Investigators concluded that human failure

Investigators concluded that human failure was not responsible for the fatal airplane crash last August, and since that time new and more stringent rules for identifying and reporting mechanical problems have been in effect. That accounts for the fact that reports of airplane mechanical problems hav...

by poonam1279

Sat Jul 18, 2009 9:47 am
Forum: Critical Reasoning
Topic: GMAT LSAT CR Investigators concluded that human failure
Replies: 6
Views: 3897

GMAT LSAT CR plant pollen trapped in glacial ice

One of the more reliable methods of determining regional climatic conditions in prehistoric periods is to examine plant pollen trapped in glacial ice during ancient times. By comparing such pollen samples with spores taken from modern vegetation, scientists can figure out approximately what the weat...

by poonam1279

Sat Jul 18, 2009 9:44 am
Forum: Critical Reasoning
Topic: GMAT LSAT CR plant pollen trapped in glacial ice
Replies: 5
Views: 2999

GMAT LSAT CR Either Perry’s faction or Tucker’s faction

Either Perry’s faction or Tucker’s faction, but not both, will win control of the government. If Perry’s faction wins, the nation will suffer economically. If Tucker’s faction wins, the nation will suffer militarily. Given the statements in the passage, which one of the following statements must be ...

by poonam1279

Sat Jul 18, 2009 9:43 am
Forum: Critical Reasoning
Topic: GMAT LSAT CR Either Perry’s faction or Tucker’s faction
Replies: 7
Views: 2535

GMAT LSAT CR Top college graduates

Top college graduates are having more difficulty demonstrating their superiority to prospective employers than did the top students of twenty years ago when an honors degree was distinction enough. Today’s employers are less impressed with the honors degree. Twenty years ago no more than 10 percent ...

by poonam1279

Sat Jul 18, 2009 9:41 am
Forum: Critical Reasoning
Topic: GMAT LSAT CR Top college graduates
Replies: 8
Views: 2021

GMAT-LSAT CR Neuroscientists

Neuroscientists are making progress in discovering more about the cause of Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease patients suffer from dementia and sever memory loss. Autopsies performed on such patients have revealed the presence of brain lesions caused by abnormal protein deposits. Similar depos...

by poonam1279

Sat Jul 18, 2009 9:38 am
Forum: Critical Reasoning
Topic: GMAT-LSAT CR Neuroscientists
Replies: 14
Views: 3355

I think A is correct here (A) genuine diamonds from imitation diamonds distinguish can be used either "distinguish x from y" (for similar thing like panting to painting) or "distingusih between x and y" (for completly different thing) Same rule i think applies for discriminate. A...

by poonam1279

Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:48 am
Forum: Sentence Correction
Topic: diamonds
Replies: 6
Views: 2740

A is correct answer A. because of the economy’s continued strength, analysts have been predicting for weeks that the target will - correct B. with the economy’s strength continuing, analysts predicted for weeks that the target - the target be raised is incorrect should be will be raised because pred...

by poonam1279

Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:38 am
Forum: Sentence Correction
Topic: federal reserve
Replies: 7
Views: 1766

Soft copy of OG11, OG12

Hi All,
I was wondering whether soft copies of OG are available. A software like GMAT PREP where we can time our questions and answer them online. May be a CD kind of. If anyone knows about this do let me know as for me its better I practice reading on pc rather than reading from book.

by poonam1279

Fri Jul 03, 2009 1:34 am
Forum: GMAT Strategy
Topic: Soft copy of OG11, OG12
Replies: 2
Views: 1177

Thanks for information. I am getting 12K$ Scholarship and 30k$ erica loan. So I am tempted to join this school. But now thinking of reappearing GMAT.

Thanks Mayo. I have not applied to any other school. My dream schools are LBS, Oxford, Warwick,Cranfield, Cass in UK. I will be reappearing for GMAT and will try for these ones. I am confused about this school. I have got $5K scholarship and $25K erica loan. I am still thinking because its a new sch...