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Of the companies surveyed about the skills they required in prospective employees, 20 percent required both computer skills and writing skills. What percent of the companies surveyed required neither computer skills nor writing skills? 1) Of those companies surveyed that required computer skills, h...

by Jeevanantham

Sun May 27, 2012 2:34 am
Forum: Data Sufficiency
Topic: Percents
Replies: 3
Views: 1222

Hi All,

Please explain this problem little bit more, I don't understand the concept.


by Jeevanantham

Wed May 16, 2012 12:47 pm
Forum: Problem Solving
Topic: Probability Problem
Replies: 6
Views: 1863

Probability & Premutation-Combination

Hi All,

I am very much confused about when to use permutation and combination in probability problems. How to identify it. And the logic to solve this kind of problems. Anybody please explain me this.

Thanks in advance,

by Jeevanantham

Wed May 16, 2012 12:08 pm
Forum: Problem Solving
Topic: Probability & Premutation-Combination
Replies: 1
Views: 828