Request Profile Evaluation

Launched April 26, 2006
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Request Profile Evaluation

by szaronsj » Fri Aug 10, 2007 12:44 am
Stacy / Amy-

Target schools: Standford, Wharton, Chicago, Duke, NYU... maybe others?

GPA: 3.5 from a well respected but public midwest school
GMAT: 770
Work experience:
Top 5 consulting firm for two years. Experience running supply chain strategy intiatives with overseas suppliers (a lead role in these efforts), managing Indian support team, business case development, intense data analysis earlier in career

Also have some solid leadership experience in college running second largest student organization. Most "extra-curriculars" post-college have revolved around outside activities via job I currently have.

I think my weaknesses are that I have no solid extras post college - ie, I didn't start any charities. Also, as you can tell by the schools I mentioned above I still am not 100% on what exactly I want to do directly after graduation - finance, consulting, etc.

I know long term that I want to do something entrepreneurial - have a real impact on the world - but I realize I need to work a bit on the packaging of that message and figuring out what steps I need to take to get there.

Thoughts / advice would be much appreciated. Chances of getting in?

To be honest, two years ago I would have never even considered applying to these types of schools!

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by Amy » Mon Aug 13, 2007 8:51 am
Hi szaronsj,

It sounds like you have great academics and strong work experience. I think you have a good chance at your list of schools.

You should think seriously about what you want to do after graduation - it may help to talk to some professionals in your target industries to see what they do and whether you would like it. It would also help to start a volunteer or extracurricular activity. You don't need to start your own charity, but you do need to show involvement in the world around you.

If you articulate your goals in a clear and compelling way, and are able to add some outside of work activity I think you can put together a great application.

Good luck!

Stacy Blackman Consulting