Evaluation for HEC Paris and/or other European B School

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Hey, I am a 2nd year student (20-yr-old) from a top Canadian university who will finish B.Arts spring 2015. I can graduate with a Honor Double Major with Management Science if stay an extra year, but I really want to move somewhere warmer because of chronic myocarditis.

Currently have:

-GMAT: 750

1. Analyst, Investment Club (2 years)
2. Head of Business Case Translating and Proofreading Group, University Business School (1 year)
3. Activity coordinator, Student Development Centre (2 years)

1. Associate Analyst (2 months), Metropolitan Bank
2. Taxation Analyst (2 months), Deloitte

-Working experience:

1. Started a personalized magazine publishing company with a friend, including real-place store and web store. (from 2007 to 2012), This organization is still running and making profits.
(sold my share to friend after went to university, also quit management team but still work as part-time exhibition representative)

2. Take part in decision making process, daily operation and marketing activities of family consulting firm which focuses primarily on taxation planning, financial advising and so on (since Grade 8)
(current Cooperate Representative for subsidiary company of another city )

Worst part. Everything good in autumn, and starts from december my chronic myocarditis becomes a torture. During the past 2 years, I spent at least one month at home, while one semestre is just 3 months. I have to spend half of summer to study. After repeating 2 failed classes my CGPA is around 75% but my school mark with numerical system so maybe lower than 3.00.

For the future career plan, I would like to be familiar with European and/or States taxation policies by working for about 15 years in consulting firms, and then return to work for my family :)

Can anyone provide me some advice regarding my application? I am still wondering which programme of HEC would be better, although I have strong emotional attachement to Grande Ecoles (want to go there since middle school, my B.Arts is French), I somehow doubt with my GPA. Also, could someone suggest other French/European B-schools? The States would also be great. Thanks!

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by MBAApply » Sat Jun 21, 2014 9:07 am
You need about 3-6 years of post-college work experience before you are competitive for any decent MBA program.

Here's another way to put it. If you get in with your profile now, how will you be able to compete against your fellow classmates for jobs? Many of them will have had years of work experience, and you will be a significant disadvantage given your youth and inexperience. Remember that when it comes to recruiting, it's the totality of your resume, and not just your educational credentials. It looks like you are setting yourself up nicely for a good post-college career with all the extracurriculars and work experience you have now, but again you're up against a lot of applicants who have what you have *and* a few more years of post-college work experience, which is in many ways the most important part of your profile.

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by alaya89 » Sat Jun 21, 2014 12:16 pm
I am applying for MiM/Grande Ecole, European degrees for those who just finished their undergrads.