PLZ HELP!!! Bad experience working w/ Admissions Consultant

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I'm a IT Consultant with 720 GMAT and honor's graduate of TOP 15 US College. I'm having a really tough time deciding what to do as I'm not completely satisfied with my admissions consultant at a big firm.

While she's extremely experienced and good at what she does, I frequently feel like I'm burdening her with my questions or that I have to kind of remind her that I"m here and get her attention. We've submitted one application (to HBS) together, and while her feedback on essays is AMAZING, I don't feel like she's personally "invested" in my success.

For example, they have a 48 hr response policy and she's frequently missed it without explanation. I brought it up once early on with the manager who guaranteed it wouldn't happen again, but it continued to happen. Also, I ask her random questions on the admissions process and some of them get ignored or during phone conversations she says she hasn't looked at that yet and searches through emails to find my input. I've asked her how to improve my chances to Stanford and she said she'd look into it but never got back to me. I'm also doing all the research on schools completely on my own since she doesn't seem to offer school-specific insights. We are done with the first application and ready to start on the next, but she hasn't offered on how I should approach the next school, so I've looked it up on competitor's websites. I understand that she is busy but Is this normal? Am I expecting too much?

The thing is, I'm signed up for a 6 school package and the original terms of the contract state that I would forfeit payment once services have started :cry: At this point, I want to ask for at least a partial refund since I still have 5 schools left and haven't done any interview prep for HBS. But if they don't allow the refund, then I'm stuck and have probably ruined the relationship with the consultant. :roll:

Please advise on how I should address this issue or if I'm overreacting. I can't compare since this is my first time working with a consultant, but I imagined the process would be like having a personal coach to let me know what is next on the agenda and when I need to complete it by. She's a really sweet person and helpful when she's focused with me, so I don't want to offend her or damage her job or anything.
Plus, I'm wondering if I do get a refund, the firm might try and sabotage my chances elsewhere by stating I've worked with them to admissions committees. Please provide some wisdom as this is only adding stress to an already stressful process! :cry:

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by PrepMBA.AlexLeventhal » Thu Nov 01, 2012 9:35 am
Sorry to hear about your situation. You are indeed lucky that her feedback is amazing, but the service lapses are not acceptable nor can they remain ignored. I'm sure you paid good money for your package and maybe this consultant has too many clients.

I strongly doubt they would try to hurt you with admissions committees. I would suggest you make an appointment with the founder of the firm so you can describe the situation. He or she would not want to hear this kind of feedback, as word spreads.

Try to make it work or tell them they have breached the contract (48 hours..) and get out with one school done.

Now to play the other side of the argument, perhaps you have been too needy. Admissions consultants must have a group of clients to make a living, and they cannot replace your getting your hands dirty and playing detective on the programs and how they fit your interests. Perhaps you have been pushing too much of the busy work to her and not utilizing her where her value really lies. Consultants get super busy this time of year with essays, and we cannot do all the work for you, particularly when it comes to keeping abreast of all the changes in all the programs. You will write better essays and perform at a higher level in the interviews if you take ownership of that. Of course the consultant should also add value there. I would also suggest that you take more ownership of dates and timelines as well and not soley rely on her to prod you.

This is why I run a boutique firm--some large companies out there provide great service and some are factories.

Good Luck!
Alex Leventhal
Harvard MBA, 1998
Prep MBA Admissions Consulting
[email protected]

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by liebe » Thu Nov 01, 2012 9:59 am
Thank you! :D

1. Should I bring it up to the consultant first before going to the founder? What's the most effective yet diplomatic way to approach this?

perhaps you have been too needy... they cannot replace your getting your hands dirty and playing detective on the programs and how they fit your interests. Perhaps you have been pushing too much of the busy work to her... we cannot do all the work for you, particularly when it comes to keeping abreast of all the changes in all the programs. You will write better essays and perform at a higher level in the interviews if you take ownership of that.
I've thought about this a lot, and of course don't believe that my consultant should have to do all the busy work, scheduling, or research. I simply wish she would show a little bit more investment/enthusiasm in my success. It is pretty disheartening when I go out and do research on a program or interest and come back with follow-up ideas or questions but don't receive a response on it. I wouldn't complain it I hadn't paid almost 10 grand for the package. I could have simply hired hourly essay brainstorming/editing services instead. :D [/quote]

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by PrepMBA.AlexLeventhal » Thu Nov 01, 2012 10:28 am
Sounds like you may have to escalate given the history, but you are the best judge.

And in terms of your comments about her interest/enthusiasm, I agree. Nothing can replace the excitement a great consultant feels for your case. That should be there, even if the micromanaging is not.

Get more attention or get out!
Alex Leventhal
Harvard MBA, 1998
Prep MBA Admissions Consulting
[email protected]