How Anna Increased Her GMAT Score by 300 Points with TTP

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:wave: Hello, my friends at Beat The GMAT!

Like many GMAT students, Anna Moylan had a steep hill to climb to reach her score goal. Fortunately, she used the Target Test Prep GMAT Course to prepare for test day, and with it she was able to achieve an incredible 300-point score improvement!

Think such a massive score increase isn’t possible for you? We’ve seen it time and time again at Target Test Prep. With perseverance and the right study resources, ANY score improvement is possible.

Anna’s Story

Anna had her heart set on attending Kellogg for her MBA, but to be a competitive applicant, she needed to increase her baseline GMAT score of 360 substantially. On top of that, Anna struggled with low confidence in her test-taking abilities. “I was always the type of person to struggle with standardized testing,” Anna says. “I always go into straight panic mode in these types of environments.”

After studying with various GMAT books and taking an online class without seeing score improvements, she sought the advice of a friend who had taken the GMAT and been admitted to London Business School. His recommendation? The Target Test Prep GMAT Course. “I wish I had started TTP earlier,” he told her. “I probably would have had an even better score.”

Studying with TTP

Anna’s journey to a 300-point score improvement was a long and arduous one, but as soon as she began studying with TTP, she knew that she was finally making progress.

“For a student like me, who had to know everything to feel prepared, I knew I had come to the right place,” Anna says. “They have a special gift for breaking down knowledge so anyone can understand, even myself who takes a second or two to catch on.”

Anna also benefited greatly from having a personalized, daily study plan laid out for her that broke down every task she needed to complete from day 1 to test day. “TTP’s study calendar is LEGIT GOLD,” Anna says. “It is an absolutely incredible feature.”

Test Day Success

For Anna, never giving up on earning her target score was key to her success on test day. And her commitment and drive paid off when she saw how massively she had increased her score -- and especially when she received her acceptance letter from Kellogg, her dream school.

“When I walked out of the testing center the day I scored my 660, I legit had tears of joy streaming down my face,” Anna says. “I remember calling the proctor over, shaking, saying, ‘Is that real? How do I save it?’ because I was shaking so badly from excitement.”

In this live interview with TTP Head of Curriculum @MartyTargetTestPrep, Anna tells her inspiring GMAT story and explains how TTP helped her make her MBA dreams a reality.

Want to see for yourself why so many GMAT students are making the switch to TTP? Start your 5-day, full-access trial for just $1, and watch your GMAT score soar!

Reach out to me at [email protected] with any questions.

Warmest regards,


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I had the opportunity to interview Anna, and I can say that she has definitely figured out the secret sauce for achieving a massive GMAT score increase.
Marty Murray
Perfect Scoring Tutor With Over a Decade of Experience
Contact me at [email protected] for a free consultation.

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Such an amazing story. Always great to see!