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Hello! I REALLY need advice from fellow GMAT takers! I really hope you guys can help me out! :)

I started studying for the GMAT sometime in March, my initial score was 450 (Quant 20, Verbal 29).

First I took private tutoring for about 2.5 months in both Quant & Verbal to fix my basics. I used the OG 10th guide to prepare, along with some additional material that the tutors provided. However, I never completed all the verbal material.

By May I had improved my score by 100 points to 550. I was mostly focused on Quant as that was really very poor. I kept working on it & used Kaplan, Manhattan and GmatPrep to gauge my performance. I took 2, 3 Manhattan tests (avg score 600), 1 GmatPrep Tests (score 530) and 2, 3 Kaplan tests (avg score 550).

On May 28th, I finally took my first GMAT test and scored 550, Quant 36, Verbal 29. I had to get at least a 580 so I was disappointed. I was able to get an extension from the grad school and I decided to take it a month later as I was quite sure I could reach 580 at least with more practice.

This time I didn't take any private tutoring as I felt that my tutors had done what they could and their interests had diminished. So I used the beatthegmat forum and the GMATfix website. I also completed the Manhattan SC guide.
I also completed OG 12 and the OG companion guide alongwith it. However, again I wasn't able to complete all the Verbal material and again, I reaally focused on Math.

After about 3 weeks, I saw that I had improved by 50 points already, all my practice test scores (i did new tests & did gmatprep once again) were in the 600 range and for Quant I was consistently scoring in the 40-45 range while Verbal was around 30-32. I was feeling good about the test but I was also beginning to get a bit restless.

So on June 29th, I took my 2nd test........and got 550 again! Quant was 39 and Verbal dropped by 2 points to 27 - my lowest ever!! I wasn't nervous at the test, I was very pumped and really ready to kick its *** (well, sort of :) ) and my energy only dropped once I saw my score :(

Based on this I didn't get admission but now I am aiming for January 2011 admission. I have 3 years of professional work experience; my CV demonstrates 'career progression but I do have an average GPA of 3.0. So clearly GMAT plays a BIG role in my application.

So now since I'm not a quitter, I will retake the test in September (to meet the Oct 1st deadline) and I REALLY NEED YOU GUYS TO HELP ME OUT!

I'm not sure what I should do. I am a bit burned out but I don't want to waste any time either. I have not been working since I started studying for the GMAT (I am taking my own 'gap' year!) and I have been 'constructively' studying at least 6, 7 hours every day and but I'm still not seeing results that truly reflect my effort.

I'm not sure what I should do now? I don't want join another course as they will again teach the basics which I have decent grasp of by now. I need to do higher level questions but I also need ' really good' explainations. I liked the OG companion solutions but in Verbal there is no such guide. Also, sometimes the Verbal explainations seem very odd and subjective to me, at times. So far, i havent met a teacher in India who can give good explainations for verbal...i've had two teachers and both were, at times, not sure about answers.

I have done two OG guides and doing them again won't help me as I know the answers. What other books or software can I use? I really want to ensure that I get as close as possible to a 650 this time. I spoke to my tutors and they are insisting that I redo all materials again and if anyone from India is reading this post they also suggested that I do every single Quant VIP test from Jamboree. I have done about 16 of them and I found that most of the questions are from OG this really good practice material??

I know that this time around I cannot ignore Verbal so what are the good materials for Verbal? I had been practicing RC by reading a lot on the computer but I didn't do more the 30 passages prior to the exam because I was scoring 80% correct most of the time. and I am definitely not weak at English. I didn't prepare for the essays at all and I scored 5.5 both times. In fact, writing in english is one of my strengths (ignore this post though! lol) So I'm not sure where I go wrong when doing questions.

Also timing is a BIG issue for me! I used a stop watch to time myself throughout my practice. I used to take 5 minutes or more to solve every math question and now I am down to 1.5- 2 minutes per question on average, sometimes even less. I never finish the test even in my practice attempts. I always have anywhere from 10 -7 questions left and in the last 50 secs I quickly pick mostly d's and c's so that theres no penalty for not completing. So what should I do improve my timing??

This time I want to score a 48 in Quant and a 37 in Verbal. I haven't given up on the GMAT at all and unless I don't get what I want I will not stop even if I end up delirious! Lol nah not really :)

So please helppppppppppppp me! This is a very long post so I'm summarizing below what areas I need to work on.

1. Verbal - I need to improve my overall score from 27 to 37 - how and what materials should i use? I have the 1000 RCS file which I can keep doing. For CR what should I use? And SC- any other material or should I redo the Manhattan SC more thoroughly?

2. Quant - What should I do to improve my timing?? Done OG 10, 12 and gmatfix's OG companion. What is the next level of prep I need in quant? Also, what is a good source for clearing doubts? I feel my tutors don't really know the 'shortcuts' ...which prep material can provide solutions that can help minimize time?

3. Also, should I do something else on the side or go crazy studying GMAT again? Before my second attempt I was getting a bit burnt out so maybe I should take up some activity to keep my mind fresh? Or is it that based on my target I should spend even more time everyday?!

4. Also, I have spend a considerable amount of money on my prep and I really don't want to spend not working at the moment and this prep is beginning to cause a dent in my savings! So please make suggestions considering $$$$

5. Lastly, is it true that GMAT is easier in countries outside India? I am a dual citizenship holder. I did my schooling in Canada but I came back to india to stay with my family for a yr. So should I go back to Canada or go to Nepal maybe to give the test????? Lol A lot of people say its easier outside India so I'm just wondering...


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by gmatsensei » Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:59 am
1. Verbal - I need to improve my overall score from 27 to 37 - how and what materials should i use? I have the 1000 RCS file which I can keep doing. For CR what should I use? And SC- any other material or should I redo the Manhattan SC more thoroughly?
Go through MGMAT SC again. After every chapter, solve & review the corresponding OG questions. Maintain an error log and review as frequently as possible. Try and get your hands on the Kaplan Verbal Foundations book.
In addition, spend an hour every day going through articles and discussions on the
2. Quant - What should I do to improve my timing?? Done OG 10, 12 and gmatfix's OG companion. What is the next level of prep I need in quant? Also, what is a good source for clearing doubts? I feel my tutors don't really know the 'shortcuts' ...which prep material can provide solutions that can help minimize time?
Timing can be improved by practice and also be reviewing the various methods of solutions. If there are different methods of solving the problem, analyse each of them. With practice and more experience, your timing should improve. Under 2 mins for most questions is great! I'm guessing that you are getting stuck on a few problems and spending way too much time on them. General rule of thumb, take a max of 3 mins to solve a problem... if you haven't got your answer and won't get it in the next 15 seconds, make an educated guess and move on - it's just one question out of 37.
3.Also, should I do something else on the side or go crazy studying GMAT again? Before my second attempt I was getting a bit burnt out so maybe I should take up some activity to keep my mind fresh? Or is it that based on my target I should spend even more time everyday?!
Don't go too crazy. 4 hours per day is ideal. (This excludes time spent on and :) )
4. Also, I have spend a considerable amount of money on my prep and I really don't want to spend not working at the moment and this prep is beginning to cause a dent in my savings! So please make suggestions considering $$$$
Fortunately for you, we are conducting a giveaway. Put your name down and you could be one of the 5 who gets 10 hours of our "Personal Tutor" services - for FREE!
5. Lastly, is it true that GMAT is easier in countries outside India? I am a dual citizenship holder. I did my schooling in Canada but I came back to india to stay with my family for a yr. So should I go back to Canada or go to Nepal maybe to give the test????? Lol A lot of people say its easier outside India so I'm just wondering...
Nah, this is just another one of those GMAT myths.

One final word - the GMAT is just another test. Don't let it get to you; the more pressure you put on yourself, the more likely you are to botch up the test.

All the best!

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Joined: Wed May 19, 2010 10:20 pm
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GMAT Score:1100

by mitzwillrockgmat » Fri Jul 09, 2010 2:50 am
gmatsensei wrote:
1. Verbal - I need to improve my overall score from 27 to 37 - how and what materials should i use? I have the 1000 RCS file which I can keep doing. For CR what should I use? And SC- any other material or should I redo the Manhattan SC more thoroughly?
Go through MGMAT SC again. After every chapter, solve & review the corresponding OG questions. Maintain an error log and review as frequently as possible. Try and get your hands on the Kaplan Verbal Foundations book.
In addition, spend an hour every day going through articles and discussions on the
2. Quant - What should I do to improve my timing?? Done OG 10, 12 and gmatfix's OG companion. What is the next level of prep I need in quant? Also, what is a good source for clearing doubts? I feel my tutors don't really know the 'shortcuts' ...which prep material can provide solutions that can help minimize time?
Timing can be improved by practice and also be reviewing the various methods of solutions. If there are different methods of solving the problem, analyse each of them. With practice and more experience, your timing should improve. Under 2 mins for most questions is great! I'm guessing that you are getting stuck on a few problems and spending way too much time on them. General rule of thumb, take a max of 3 mins to solve a problem... if you haven't got your answer and won't get it in the next 15 seconds, make an educated guess and move on - it's just one question out of 37.
3.Also, should I do something else on the side or go crazy studying GMAT again? Before my second attempt I was getting a bit burnt out so maybe I should take up some activity to keep my mind fresh? Or is it that based on my target I should spend even more time everyday?!
Don't go too crazy. 4 hours per day is ideal. (This excludes time spent on and :) )
4. Also, I have spend a considerable amount of money on my prep and I really don't want to spend not working at the moment and this prep is beginning to cause a dent in my savings! So please make suggestions considering $$$$
Fortunately for you, we are conducting a giveaway. Put your name down and you could be one of the 5 who gets 10 hours of our "Personal Tutor" services - for FREE!
5. Lastly, is it true that GMAT is easier in countries outside India? I am a dual citizenship holder. I did my schooling in Canada but I came back to india to stay with my family for a yr. So should I go back to Canada or go to Nepal maybe to give the test????? Lol A lot of people say its easier outside India so I'm just wondering...
Nah, this is just another one of those GMAT myths.

One final word - the GMAT is just another test. Don't let it get to you; the more pressure you put on yourself, the more likely you are to botch up the test.

All the best!
Thanks! That's some great advice...I will try to incorporate all the above in my next study plan.

The way i see it is ... that "the GMAT" is my opponent in a boxing match and even though I've suffered some hard punches ...I'm still not going to fall down until i deliver some punches myself! earning an MBA degree is my DREAM..not giving up on it easily :)