Guess I beat it?? - 710/92% (42v/95%, 43m/68%)

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This is my first post. But I've been perusing this site ever since I decided to go back to school. I must say---you guys are extremely helpful and there are ALOT less trolls on this site than the Pre-med/Pre-dental site: lol

Anywho - my background: Af-Am, Female, Molecular Bio Major, Ivy Grad, Mom, 6 years non-profit marketing exp, small business owner. I'm going back to school actually to switch into fashion, beauty & entertainment marketing.

Goal: 700

Prep: 2 weeks. With my work schedule and a child, I knew I really couldn't devote months to the process (which is how this site became so helpful). You guys directed me to the right places.

Manhattan - 660 (pre-study gauge)
Kaplan 2009 Comp - 690
GMATPrep1 - 710
GMAT Prep 2 - 740

I used Kaplan Comprehensive for overall, GMAC Verbal, Kaplan 800 Math, Princeton Review Math (which actually i think gives you the best K.I.S.S. tricks for tackling the more common problems).

Also, having taken and done well on the MCAT--I figured the GMAT wouldn't be such a big deal. Turns out it was more stressful than the MCAT ever was for me. Here's what I learned about myself:

1. I'm such a quant head. Not reflected in my score. Why? Because I had about 7 questions remaining with 30 seconds. My biggest problem is that I actually think math is cool---and I'm the nerd trying to solve the Data Sufficiency problems---rather than just stopping when I realize just whether or not I can actually solve it with the information given. I noticed this problem early on in my studies. But nonetheless, actual day of exam, I caught myself doing it 4 times and spent way too much time on the questions that should have taken the shortest time. Additionally, I tend to overthink problems---with my mind wandering into irrational numbers, which obviously isn't tested on the GMAT. ***My advice for people that really love math (not just good at it but really enjoy it), practice K.I.S.S. from the door. I'm a bit disappointed with my quant score and know if I had paced myself appropriately--i could have gotten at least a 48/49 in the math section--perhaps raising my overall to about 750.

2. I had no idea verbal was weighed a bit more. I almost cancelled my scores because I really felt horrible after having 7 math questions left with 30 seconds. I really didn't think anything I did in verbal would help me get over 700. I also didn't take the much needed break between sections. I really needed a cigarette in truth but at least I should have walked around a bit--because I was really annoyed and slightly frustrated starting the verbal section. After the first 3 questions, I finally got into the groove. Now mind you--I hate reading passages so I am always flying through them. I learned a technique in ugrad about learning how to read without reading all the words (great for reading 300 pages the night before a genetics exam lol). So I use this technique all the time. Anyway, I finished the verbal section with 15 mins left. I wish I could have switched that time over to my math sigh. My advice: If you feel shaky about the quant section--take the break to collect yourself for verbal.

3. Do one or two practice AWA questions before the exam. I actually figured this section wouldn't be a problem--since I write my opinions for a living (paid blogger for fashion & beauty). But um, I totally blanked and took forever to get my brain juices working--which wasted about 10 mins on each question.

Post-exam, I'm satisfied with my score especially given the study time. I am contemplating taking it over to improve my quant score. But, after reviewing my transcript (which I haven't looked at in years)--hopefully any adcom will see it and realize I'm actually very solid quantitatively.

Anyway, goodluck to everyone else studying. I appreciate all the solid information found on this board--and genuine concern for each other (rather than the hate).

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by reachac » Sun Nov 02, 2008 11:39 pm
Great Score! :) Congratzzz!

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by dashdiva » Mon Nov 10, 2008 10:04 am
reachac wrote:Great Score! :) Congratzzz!
I've been wondering (just based on general talk on this forum) if it is worth it for me to retake the GMAT--to pull up my quant score. I understand that most adcoms are look for 80/80 percentile. I think it's doable with more practice.

GMAT beaters out there--what are your thoughts. My profile is above in my original post.

Thanks in advance.
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by sumidi » Mon Nov 10, 2008 11:17 am
Drop a message on the MBA Admissions consultant forum and see what they have to say.

My scores are opposite to yours but similar overall score. I did well in maths and craphouse in verbal.....

Good luck with everything.


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by GG04 » Tue Nov 11, 2008 6:54 am

congrats on ur score! thats an awesome score for 2 weeks preparation..
u mentioned a method that let u read words without actually reading!!
can u tell us wht this method is? is it something that u could write abt?


PS: have my exam in 2 weeks..and am beginning to freak out!!

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by dashdiva » Tue Nov 11, 2008 11:36 am

Thanks for shout out on the score. I'm a bit concerned about the quant score but overall think it was a job well-done considering the prep time.

Reading with out reading. lol Hard to explain in words. I picked up the technique from an old professor in college. Essentially, I don't really read some of the extraneous words--the words that make a sentence sound good. This takes alot of practice and i've been doing the skipping at this point for years. Let's take my paragraph above--If I'm rushing to read--I'm likely to read:

"Thanks on score. Concerned about quant. Well-done considering prep."

It's probably something everyone does but maybe not to the extent I now do it. Clearly you can get the gist of what I was saying without reading the entire paragraph thoroughly. It works best for science books because there isn't much concern over who's point of view is being truncated---it's all pretty much the same point of view. So that takes a little practice to keep up with passages that give many hypotheses and points of view etc. Also, if you aren't seasoned in it, this can cause problems with EXCEPT questions etc. (If I see EXCEPT--I would generally slow down and reread thoroughly) but for Main topic/main idea questions for the passage--my process works great for me. If the stem directs me back to a section of the passage, I will read through the whole section.

Another trick I learned for SC which I think has been discussed here is that the first choice is always what was originally in the question stem--so I never read the first choice (because I've already read it in the question stem)--saves time also.

I'm not sure if this helps. But goodluck for the big day. I am sure you will do fine!!!
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GMAT Score:720

by mjjking » Fri Nov 21, 2008 7:15 am
great score! 710! wow!
I scored 700 (Q42V42) on my GMATPrep2 two days vefore the test but got a 680 the test day (Q43V40). I'm studying again 'cause I know 700 or more is on my reach!!
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REAL THING 1 (AUG 2007): 680 (Q43, V40)
REAL THING 2 (APR 2009): 720 (Q47, V41)