650 (Q49,V31,AWA6)

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650 (Q49,V31,AWA6)

by clawhammer » Wed Dec 15, 2010 5:46 am
So i finally took the GMAT this Sunday and scored a 650 (79 percentile): Q49 (86 percentile), V31 (56 percentile), AWA 6.0 (91 percentile). Believe it or not, I got my highest ever quant and lowest verbal compared to all the tests I've taken.

I won't complain about my score (that much), I guess there's always a bit of luck that didn't work. But If I even ever had a feeling I could get anything lower than 33 I would have worked in a different manner. I studied for 2+ months, about 2-3 weeks additional on figuring out what's the big deal with everything. The last 90 days I studied hard, and between my new job, where I had to prove myself and making up time for all this wasn't easy. I started from zero and slow. I sincerely thank the entire community of beatthegmat. I know you guys help many get 700s, but for many like us, who live in countries where the most recent books of GMAT are of 2007s (and those too in photocopied format), with virtually no resources or aid to give insight on the test, forums like this mean a lot. I'm so grateful to all of you guys, who help out like this, and help so many to reach their dream. I bugged many of you, cuz it's hard to even know anyone in my country who has taken the test. This is one of the best resources anyone could have. Reminds me the fact that some of the best things in life are 'still' free. Whatever little accomplishment I might have had, most of it is because of this forum.

I guess, apart from the registration fee, I spent a total of $80 for this test, $70 for MGMAT CATs (learned from this forum) and rest for everything. I heavily used this forum and all free practice tests. I wanted to buy the MGMAT books, but there were no resources around. I mailed MGMAT team who showed a very high cost if i wanted to have them shipped from US and, as the books would have taken a long time to reach, I wouldn't have enough time to use them that well. I mailed the Indian distributors too, but no replies. I took the paid MGMAT tests after I finished the free tests (scored from 640 ~ 680). In GMAT prep, I scored: 680(1st test), 710 (2nd test), 720 (repeat 1st test), 710 (repeat 2nd test); and like many stated before, the math is definitely way easier than MGMAT and more doable. That being said, MGMAT CATs do the right job in preparing you for a tough fight, and, more importantly, make you figure out a strategy on when and how to skip a question. (The best way to prepare for a war is not just to know how to fight using swords, but to know how to fight when you lost that sword.) I also used Grockit, and I believe it's underrated. The free site has tons of stuff for you to practice and get good at not making silly mistakes. I think every math I got correct in the real test was based on actually solving and not just luck, and the test felt very do-able. I didn't feel like I would get a 31 in verbal when i was taking the test. I focused heavily on the official guide for all sections. I even got a bold face before the first 15 questions, and I still don't know how bad could I have performed to get such a low verbal score and not even realizing.

Now I just want to work on other aspects of my applications to see where it all ends up.

** I've moved my profile information and suggestion request here:
https://www.beatthegmat.com/plz-evaluate ... 71638.html
Last edited by clawhammer on Wed Dec 15, 2010 9:19 am, edited 4 times in total.

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by karanrulz4ever » Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:14 am
There is another topic for profile evaluation here. post your topic there. Experts would evaluate your profile there.