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Should I Take the GMAT While in College?

by Target Test Prep, Feb 5, 2022

The GMAT is an exam taken by many students planning to apply to business school. Most people who take the GMAT do so within a year of their application deadlines, but because a GMAT score lasts for five years, you can take the GMAT several years before you are ready to apply.

In fact, if you are currently in college and plan to go to business school within the next five years, you may find it beneficial to take the GMAT now, so you do not have to deal with the exam down the road.

In this article, we’ll discuss some reasons for taking the GMAT while in college and some additional considerations that can help you make the right decision about when to take the GMAT.

Let’s start by looking at some reasons why you may want to take the GMAT while you’re still in college.

Reason Number 1: You Are Already in Study Mode

If you are currently in college, then your daily schedule is likely consumed with either going to class or studying. Thus, it’s safe to say that you are in “study mode.” Having the study-mode mindset can be extremely beneficial when preparing for the GMAT. In fact, you can treat your GMAT prep as just another class. For example, let’s say you’re taking five classes this semester. If your plan is to study for the GMAT, then treat the GMAT as your sixth class. By doing so, you can ensure that you attack your GMAT studies with the same vigor and hard work that you bring to your college classes.

If you are a bit hesitant about adding GMAT studying to your current academic workload, then just think about how you might feel when you are three years out of college, with a 60-hour work week, and you haven’t cracked a textbook in years. Do you think that you would be more capable of studying for the GMAT then, or while you are still in college and accustomed to studying for exams? The answer should be clear.

Reason Number 2: You Can Get the GMAT Out of the Way

Another reason to take the GMAT while you’re still in college is, quite frankly, to get it out of the way. First, your 22-year-old self will thank you for having taken the GMAT when you had a simpler life and a lot of flexibility in your schedule. Second, with the GMAT out of the way, you’ll have time to do other things to enhance your profile for your business school application.

Studying for the GMAT takes a lot of time and a lot of energy. Some folks need to study for over 500 hours to achieve a great GMAT score. So, if you have a demanding job, then you likely will not have much extra time to do anything except work and GMAT studying. If, instead, you have already completed your GMAT, you’d be able to spend time doing activities, both inside and outside of work, that could boost your resume and give you an edge in the application process.

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