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Is There a ‘Right’ Age for Business School?

by Stacy Blackman Consulting, Dec 31, 2018

The profile of the typical business school applicant has changed significantly over the past decade. Once upon a time, few would contemplate applying without first having the requisite five to seven years of work experience under their belts. The prevailing wisdom held that older candidates would have more to contribute to class discussions because of their substantial real-world experience.

Flash forward to today and youll see manybusiness schools courting younger candidates, including those with no work experience. The reason for this shift is that business schools fear some applicants would attain so much success after only a few years that they would not want to go back for an MBA.

Some candidates really are ready for business school right after graduating from college; some have started a company while in school, played a strong role in a family business, or gained relevant experiences in other areas.

But as more MBA programs welcome younger applicants, and in some cases have designed programs geared toward younger studentssuch asHarvard Business Schools 2+2 Program,Yale School of Managements three-year Silver Scholars MBA Program, and the deferred enrollment option for college seniors offered by theStanford Graduate School of Businessanyone over age 28 may feel that she or he doesnt stand a chance of getting in.

When a client asks, Am I too old (or too young) for an MBA? we tell them that its not about chronological age. Its more about maturity, readiness, and where you are in your career. Sometimes these things can be linked to age, but thats not a certainty.

Instead, think about what you want to gain from and what you can contribute to an MBA program. You may be 22 but have a ton of insight to share and highly focused career goals. That would give you a leg up on the 28-year-old who is lost and just using the MBA as something to fill the time.


If youre contemplating business school in your mid-30s, the key is to demonstrate confidence, how youve progressed professionally, and what youve contributed on the job. A 38-year-old candidate who has spent more than a decade in the same position without showing progression will have a hard time being admitted to a top MBA program.

This is not because of age. Rather, it is because the candidate may not demonstrated growth during that time. If youre applying to an elite school like Harvard, which values great leadership, you shouldve already developed terrific leadership skills. Many people with great leadership skills have achieved so much by the time they near 40 that theyre not interested in going back to school.

However, if one of these people is interested and can demonstrate great achievement balanced with a legitimate need or desire to return to school, then they have a good chance. Proving that you are a strong and accomplished 40-year-old leader, and balancing that with the fact that you want to improve in order to get to the next step, is tough to pull off. That said, old people are admitted every season!


Younger applicants, meanwhile, have their own set of obstacles to overcome. Theyll need to demonstrate to the admissions committee that they have the focus and maturity required to succeed in an MBA program.

Since a huge part of the b-school classroom experience is the exchange of ideas from diverse individuals, younger candidates will also need to prove that they have enough life experience to contribute to an incoming class. Business schools are looking for authentic experience, not just students who subscribe to theWall Street Journal. Finally, younger applicants will need to show an admissions team they have a strong reason for returning to school so soon after graduation.

Regardless of whether you are young or old, if you can achieve what is written above, you will have a good chance of getting into a program that is the right fit for you. Your age should never be the sole deciding factor of whether to apply to business school.


If you are looking for guidance on yourMBAapplication, Stacy Blackman Consulting can help withhourlyandcomprehensiveconsulting services.Contact usto learn more. Visit the website forStacy Blackman Reviews, and check out the companys e-publications for more in depth school-by-school guidance.