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The Wharton TBD

by Personal MBA Coach, Nov 8, 2018

Wharton has rolled out invitations for the round 1 TBD interviews. If you were lucky enough to receive an invitation, congratulations!Now comes the harder part planning for this unique experience. Group interviews are a bit more complicated to prepare for, but once you learn how to address them, they can actually be easier than a regular interview.

First, the basics. Here are the components of a Wharton TBD:

1. Each candidate gives a one-minute introduction to the group, providing an opportunity to get to know one another (this is the first 5 minutes)

2. This is followed by a 35-minute team discussion, during which you should present the results of your discussion to the interviewers.

3. Once the group exercise is done, you will have a brief individual 1:1 interview

Personal MBA Coachadvises candidates to approach these sessions as they would any other productive team discussion. The basics of proper respect and etiquette apply here. While it is important to show your own thinking, it is equally as important to be polite and not attempt to dominate the sessions. Naturally, come prepared with you own unique ideas and do your research in advance. However, be flexible and work with the group.

We recognize this can be a harder interview than most to prepare for. As a Wharton alum, I conduct a limited number of unique TBD practice sessions with my team of former M7 interviewers to help candidates. These sessions, which are scheduled this year between Nov 3 and Nov 14th, will mirror the actual Wharton interview, providing candidates an opportunity to work together with other applicants during a group session. They will then be followed by one-on-one interviews with former M7 MBA interviewers. Each participant will receive our proprietary interview preparation guide and a personal feedback session.

Slots are filling fast sosign-uptoday.

Need one-on-one support with your MBA applications?Personal MBA Coachis willing to be your guide.Personal MBA Coachhas been guiding candidates through all aspects of the MBA application process for 11 years with a 96% success rate. We also conductmock interviewswith our team of former top 10 MBA interviewers. Call us today at +1 617-645-2424 or email[email protected]for a free consultation on your profile along with how we can help make your MBA dreams a reality!