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What to Do if You’re Waitlisted

by Stacy Blackman Consulting, May 9, 2016

All MBA applicants are anxious to learn whether or not theyve been admitted to their dream schools. For some prospective MBAs, however, those decision dates come and go and theyre still in limbo. Theyve been waitlisted.

If youve been rolled over from a Round 1 waitlist, have recently been informed that you were neither accepted nor denied at one of your Round 2 schools, or get this same news in the coming weeks from a program that hasnt notified applicants yet, your first question might be, Well, now what?

Before you pick up the phone to call the admissions team, take a moment to reread the email they sent. Usually it will contain pretty explicit information and instructions about timelines and next steps. It should also be clear as to whether the program has a dedicated waitlist contact, if theyll be following up with more information for you in the weeks ahead, and if theres a drop-dead date by which youll have a final answer.

Most importantly, there should be guidance on additional actions you can (or must) take or supplemental materials theyd be willing to consider. Some schools make it very, very clear that they will not look at any more letters of recommendations or candidate updates before they make their decision, whereas other programs encourage applicants to send in additional essays, videos and words of support from colleagues and alumni.

Some people are tempted to bombard the AdCom with more information after theyve been waitlisted, but the reality is that that probably wont help your case. If the school has stated that they dont want anything else from you, now might not be the best time to ignore their instructions.

As frustrating as it is to feel like youre not doing anything proactive, you need to remind yourself that you already did do everything you could to put your best foot forward in your original application.

If a school welcomes more insight into your candidacy, then give it to them. Let them know what youve been up to in the months since your rounds deadline. What else have you done at work? What more have you learned about their program? Have you taken any trips, had any interesting experiences or done something cool in your community?

Make your communication with them count, because even if a school does accept new information on waitlisted candidates, theyre not going to want to be contacted every single day. One solid update will likely come off better than several emails or uploads that dont have much meat.

At some point (and that point might already be here), theres nothing you can do but wait. Try to keep your mind off of it and hope for the best. A number of waitlisted candidates are ultimately accepted into top programs each year, so theres reason to remain positive!




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