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MBA Grads Still Need to Master Social Media

by Stacy Blackman Consulting, Jul 27, 2014

While we all know social media use has exploded over the past decade, some MBA graduates are still operating like its 1999 when it comes to maximizing its benefits from a professional standpoint.

In BusinessWeek's latest article on working social media at the beginning of your career, Katy Finneran writes about why recent graduates must create social accounts as well as maintain and clean up existing accounts, and how to network successfully in the social media age.

Stacy Blackman Consulting conducted an MBA applicant survey earlier in the spring, where we learned just how social media savvy current applicants are when it comes to the b-school admissions process. The results are somewhat surprising: only about half of those polled planned to review and clean up their online profile.

I chatted with Finneran about this topic at length, and I invite you to read her article for some of my tips on proper social media etiquette as it relates both to applying to business school and navigating the job search after graduation.

In the end, the goal is to develop a personal brand and make sure your social media sites promote brand You. Put your best foot forward by keeping your social media presence clean, mature and presentable, and have faith that you can do so without scrubbing away your entire personality.


If you are looking for guidance on your MBA application, Stacy Blackman Consulting can help with hourly and comprehensive consulting services. Contact us to learn more.