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How Keeping A Notebook Can Improve Your MBA Application

by Stacy Blackman Consulting, Mar 31, 2011

In the spring and summer, make the decision to carry around a notebook to write down your thoughts about your applications. Some of these thoughts may be random ideas that come to mind while you are working, on the train, or going for a walk. Aim to spend a good half an hour of quality time per week with your notebook for a few months. You would be surprised how beneficial this can be for your application.

If you are considering working on your business school applications before the essay questions have been announced, understand that most of the themes for the questions do not change much year to year. To get an understanding of what the essay questions will look like, you can go online and look at prior years applications.

In your journal, spend time writing down your thoughts about:

  1. Your primary accomplishments thus far: focus on your achievements, not your responsibilities
  2. Specific examples of when you have led others
  3. How an MBA program will benefit you. In particular, focus on what you would specifically like to learn.
  4. Interests and achievements in your extracurricular life
  5. Individuals that have significantly influenced you
  6. Your career goals after earning an MBA degree

Make sure to not just write down your general thoughts. Be as specific as you can. I encourage my clients to write about specific moments that describe major experiences in their lives. For example, that one conversation where your idea led to a breakthrough, or the first time you had to fire someone.

Some other ideas you can focus on are what MBA programs you believe are right for you. What location would most want to be in? Are there any specific programs that you are looking at? You can also begin thinking about who you would like to write a recommendation on your behalf.

For more robust guidance on your MBA application essays, check out the Stacy Blackman Consulting Essay Guide Series school specific guides with essay tips, sample essays, information on what your target schools value and more.

Visit http://www.stacyblackman.com/essay-guides/ to learn more.