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GMAT On Demand: Intro to the Most Common GMAT Critical Reasoning Questions

by Knewton, Feb 21, 2011

In this video, Jen and Dave break down the three most common question types on the GMAT Critical Reasoning section: Weakening, Strengthening, and Assumption questions.

They start by covering the structure that underlies all three question types, then show you two strategies for dealing with Assumption problems in particular: one, how to check the validity of an assumption by using the Negation Test, and two, how "pre-phrasing" can help you recognize an assumption in the answer choices much more quickly.

Stay tuned for the rest of the lesson, where Dave and Jen will walk you through a full guide to CR questions and sample problems for each type.

If you missed our earlier previews of Knewton's on-demand video guides, check them out here:

Intro to Quant:

Intro to Sentence Correction: