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The 10 Best GMAT Stories of 2010 – Number 6

by Beat The GMAT, Dec 24, 2010

This article is part of a 10-part series where I will be highlighting the most popular GMAT debriefings of 2010 from the Beat The GMAT community, in countdown fashion.

The sixth most popular GMAT story this year was written by scorpionz: 760..(Q51, V41)..I just beat the GMAT!! Like so many of you, scorpionz has a very time-intensive job that doesn't allow him to have much time for studies. Yet, he found a way to carve out time:

My job is a very time-intensive one. I used to get barely 1 to 2 hours a day to study. That too would not be daily. Weekends were similarly busy and I could only get a max of 3 hours over the entire weekend. Quite often there used to be a string of 4-5 days when I wouldnt have touched any study material at all. My only aim was to ensure that I did not lose touch with the GMAT altogether.

Click here to read: 760..(Q51, V41)..I just beat the GMAT!!