• Target Test Prep's 2024 GMAT Focus Edition prep is discounted for the BTG community!


We Want to Give You $100,000, But We Need Your Help!

by Beat The GMAT, Sep 10, 2010

The Beat The GMAT $100K ChallengeTimes are tough. And Beat The GMAT really wants to help you. In the last few weeks, our team has been working very hard to line up 500+ test prep courses and admissions packages worth $100,000 to distribute to our community.

The Grand Prize is a 1 week, all expense-paid tour of 5 elite business schools - Harvard Business School, MIT Sloan, Stanford GSB, Haas and one US school of your choice. Beat The GMAT will pay for everything, including flights from anywhere in the world.

But we need your help badly! Before we can give away these amazing packages, we need to secure at least 1,000 pre-registrations for this campaign in order to proceed.

I really do hope we can launch the Beat The GMAT $100K Challengewe have a very fun and interactive campaign planned to distribute these packages to you. But again, we need your help to make this happen.

Please go to the $100K page and pre-register. Tell your friends and family to pre-register. The sooner we can hit 1,000 pre-registrations, the sooner well know that we can move forward with this amazing giveaway!

A special thanks to Veritas Prep, Knewton, Kaplan, Manhattan GMAT, and Grockit for committing so many GMAT prep/admissions offerings to this campaign. And a big thanks to the Beat The GMAT Practice Questions staff for donating so many premium accounts!

Lets get this Beat The GMAT $100K Challenge off the ground! Pre-register here.