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Internships, Student Clubs, and, Oh Yeah...Class

by , Mar 1, 2010

The following is a guest post by Andre, a current MBA student and a blogger forThe Dirt. Andre is writing a series for Beat The GMAT to share a bluntly honest perspective of life in business school. Beat The GMAT's editorial staff purposely left his article in its original raw (and entertaining) form.

In today's article, Andre discusses his struggle with managing his time as an MBA student. With out further ado, here is Andre:

Sorry it's been a while since my last update but the past couple of weeks have been absolutely insane. You, on the other hand, probably don't believe me. You think im full of crap. I know, this is exactly what your thinking. It's ok, I would say the same thing too but let me just sit down and explain the insanity that has been the last two weeks of my life.

First of all, it's february which means two things in the northeast for MBA students...feet of snow and, ironically, applying summer MBA internships. Yes MBA students if you want to get a decent internship you better start looking now; and I mean right now,especially in this recession, or your going to get an intership that's either A) Unpaid (boo) or B) At McDonald's. Guess what? I've applied to about 6 internships, and the responses have ranged from no to, well, not telling me anything. Not only is it incredibly frustrating and time consuming to apply to these internships, but it's sort of depressing. If I end up having spent a quarter of my life in school to get an MBA internship that ends up paying minimum wage and involves me asking people if they want fries with that, well, FML.

So yeah, there's that.

On top of that this week I actually became a Member of the largest on campus MBA student club. Ok actually, I didn't just become a member, I actually became VP of the organization. Which is cool, right? People like me, they really like me and decided to vote me in! Either that or this is some sadistic joke to try to slowly kill me because there is so much work that needs to be done with this student organization that its insane! Settng up social events, bringing speakers, coordinating everyone...yikes. But im looking forward to it.

So there's that...

Oh yeah...and there's school. You know, that little thing. Ive totally been lagging on doing finance homework because, honestly, if i have to sit there and figure out how to use that little (ln) button on my calculator while keeping order of operations one more time i might pull my hair out...

And then there's you guys, who take the time out of your day to read my blog and listen to me rant only to have me treat you as the red headed step child of the family by not updating the site in a while. Im terrible. Well Ill try to be better next week. No...seriously. Until Next time...

Read more posts by Andre in his blog, The Dirt.