• Target Test Prep's 2024 GMAT Focus Edition prep is discounted for the BTG community!


Beat The GMAT: A New Chapter

by Beat The GMAT, Aug 17, 2009

Welcome, Beat The GMAT community, to the new website! As you might have noticed Beat The GMAT has undergone a major site transformation as of today. Up until yesterday, we were the largest GMAT/MBA discussion forum in the world. Today we have become the premier GMAT/MBA learning portal on the web, providing many great new resources along with our discussion forum.

Why the change?

The answer is simple: you asked and we listened.

  • You asked for an easier way to find all the great resources on this website. We listened by updating the navigation as well as the look and feel to make it easier for you to explore the entire site.
  • You asked for a library of expert content on GMAT and MBA topics. We listened by building a new articles system. Top GMAT instructors and MBA admissions consultants will write learning content for you.
  • You asked for social media resources to assist you in your prep. We listened by working with top experts to aggregate the best social media content related to GMAT and MBA prep.
  • You asked for a means to better learn about GMAT prep companies. We listened by developing a new section on the site called Learning Centers, where visitors can learn about each company partnering with our site, find discounts, and take advantage of free prep resources.

What hasnt changed?

Our focus on community hasnt changed. The forum is still here, it will always be an integral part of this website. Beat The GMAT remains a community-driven project featuring amazing members like yourself, who are committed to helping one another to succeed in business school admissions. We will never lose sight of the fact that visitors like you have made this community what it is today, and to thank you we wish to serve you even better with this updated website.

We are also still working with the industrys top GMAT and MBA prep companies to provide you best-in-class information to aide you in your business school journey.

Our GMAT prep partners include:

Our MBA admissions partners include:

We have new talent

david-welcomeAdding to our amazing community staff, I am happy to announce that David Park will be joining Beat The GMAT as a business partner and technology guru. David has been advising me behind the scenes for the past two years, and finally last month I was able to convince him to join me full time on this project.

A little bit of background on David:

  • BS in Computer Science from MIT; JD from Harvard Law School
  • Former consultant at McKinsey and The Boston Consulting Group
  • Founded a community-based start up in the first dot-com boom, raising over $10 million in funding
  • Most recently, the product management leader for a $50 million/year business at Intuit

David is a rockstar, and his contributions will definitely supercharge our site development and innovation.

Help us spread the word!

I hope that you are as excited as I am about the next chapter of the Beat The GMAT story. Please support our community by sharing news of our updated site with your peers, coworkers, college e-mail lists, Facebook, Twitter (#beatthegmat hashtag), etc.your experience on this site will only improve with more people using it.

Finally, thank you very much for the incredible past four years. When I started Beat The GMAT in my dorm room at Stanford, I never could have imagined the community that we would grow together, and the tens of thousands of business school aspirants that we would help along the way.

Thanks again for your support and all the best!

Eric Bahn

Founder, Beat The GMAT