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Coordinate Geometry

In the \((x,y)\) coordinate plane, at which \(y\)-value does the line \(x + 3y = 6\) intersect the \(y\)-axis?

A. \(0\)
B. \(1\)
C. \(2\)
D. \(3\)
E. \(6\)

The OA is C

by swerve

Wed Dec 13, 2023 10:12 am
Forum: Problem Solving
Topic: Coordinate Geometry
Replies: 0
Views: 47

Coordinate Geometry

Find the product of \(Y\)-intercepts of lines \(L\) and line \(M?\)

1) Product of \(X\)-intercepts of lines \(L\) and line \(M\) is \(0\)

2) Product of slopes of lines \(L\) and line \(M\) is negative

The OA is A

by swerve

Wed Dec 13, 2023 10:00 am
Forum: Data Sufficiency
Topic: Coordinate Geometry
Replies: 0
Views: 41

Coordinate Geometry

What is the slope of the line passing through the points \((-1,4)\) and \((2,-5)\) in the standard \((x,y)\) plane?

A. \(-3\)
B. \(-1/3\)
C. \(0\)
D. \(1/9\)
E. \(9\)

The OA is A

by swerve

Wed Dec 13, 2023 9:49 am
Forum: Problem Solving
Topic: Coordinate Geometry
Replies: 0
Views: 44

In \(\triangle{LMN}, LM = |x - 7|, MN = |x - 4|\) and \(NL = x + 1,\) where \(x\) is a number whose value is not known.

In \(\triangle{LMN}, LM = |x - 7|, MN = |x - 4|\) and \(NL = x + 1,\) where \(x\) is a number whose value is not known. Is \(\triangle{LMN}\) an acute triangle (a triangle each of whose angles measures less than \(90^{\circ})?\)

1) \(NM = 10\)

2) \(LM = 7\)

The OA is D

If \(a\) and \(b\) are non-negative integers, what is the value of \(b?\)

If \(a\) and \(b\) are non-negative integers, what is the value of \(b?\)

1) \(2^a = 7^b\)

2) \(|b| = -b\)

The OA is D

A sales clerk in an electronics store earns commission on total weekly sales. What amount, in dollars, did the sales

A sales clerk in an electronics store earns commission on total weekly sales. What amount, in dollars, did the sales clerk earn as commission on last week’s total sales? 1) The electronic store pays sales personnel a commission rate of \(2\) percent on total weekly sales 2) The amount of the sales c...

A pair of athletic shoes that usually sells for \(\$170\) is marked down for a clearance sale. If the sales tax rate is

A pair of athletic shoes that usually sells for \(\$170\) is marked down for a clearance sale. If the sales tax rate is \(8\) percent, how much does the customer pay for the marked-down shoes, including sales tax? 1) Including sales tax, the customer saves a total of \(\$36.72\) 2) The sales tax on ...

During a day, a door-to-door brick salesman sold three fourths of his bricks for \(\$0.25\) each. If he had \(150\)

During a day, a door-to-door brick salesman sold three fourths of his bricks for \(\$0.25\) each. If he had \(150\) bricks left at the end of the day, how much money did he collect for brick sales that day?

A. \(\$12.50\)
B. \(\$37.50\)
C. \(\$50.00\)
D. \(\$112.50\)
E. \(\$150.00\)

The OA is D

Yann will be \(x\) years old \(y\) years from now. How old was \(z\) years ago?

Yann will be \(x\) years old \(y\) years from now. How old was \(z\) years ago?

A. \(x + y + z\)
B. \(x + y + z\)
C. \(x – y –z\)
D. \(y – x –z\)
E. \(z - y –x\)

The OA is C

In the figure above, \(ABCO\) is a rectangle and the line that passes through points \(A\) and \(B\) is \(3y-2x-15=0.\)

T6199.png In the figure above, \(ABCO\) is a rectangle and the line that passes through points \(A\) and \(B\) is \(3y-2x-15=0.\) What is the equation of the line that passes through points \(O\) and \(C?\) A. \(y=\dfrac{3}{2}x - 7.5\) B. \(y=2x - 5\) C. \(y=\dfrac{3}{2}x\) D. \(y=\dfrac{2}{3}x\) E...

Joe and Bill drove separate cars along the entire length of a certain route. If Joe made the trip in \(12\) minutes, how

Joe and Bill drove separate cars along the entire length of a certain route. If Joe made the trip in \(12\) minutes, how many minutes did it take Bill to make the same trip? 1) Joe's average speed for the trip was \(3/4\) of Bill's average speed 2) Joe's time for the trip was \(4/3\) of Bill's time ...

Line \(L\) in the \(xy\)-plane contains points \(A\) and \(B\) with coordinates \((-4,5)\) and \((6,-1),\) respectively.

Line \(L\) in the \(xy\)-plane contains points \(A\) and \(B\) with coordinates \((-4,5)\) and \((6,-1),\) respectively. Line \(k\) is perpendicular to \(L\) and contains the midpoint of line segment \(AB.\) Which of the following statements is true? I. The slope of line \(L\) is \(-3/5.\) II. Line ...

If \(p\) is an integer such that \((-4)^{2p+6}=4^{9-p},\) then \(p=\)

If \(p\) is an integer such that \((-4)^{2p+6}=4^{9-p},\) then \(p=\)

A. \(-1\)
B. \(0\)
C. \(1\)
D. \(3\)
E. \(5\)

The OA is C

If t is a positive integer and \(3*10^t \gt 15,000,\) what is \(t?\)

If t is a positive integer and \(3*10^t \gt 15,000,\) what is \(t?\)

1) \(10^t < 20,000\)

2) \(5*10^t < 600,000\)

The OA is A