Experts please HELP!

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Experts please HELP!

by completeenthu2012 » Mon Dec 31, 2012 11:22 am
Hello and Happy New Year to All!

I plan to take GMAT this year, early May.
Honestly, I don't have a lot of information about how to prepare, what to prepare and stuff.
But some thing tells me, I will find my mentor here.

A little profile info:

-Started my venture at the age of 17, carried on successfully for 2 years and later went to pursue MBA from a locally based MBA college.
-Was in top 1% of the batch. Was elected as Class Representative, Placement secretary , headed cultural committee and won Business Plan Competition and Online Social Media Competition comprising 240 participants from various colleges based in Gujarat, India
-Got placed in Telecom-worked there for a year
-Switched to a Luxury cosmetic ecommerce company(2 months)-reason was purely passion and hunger to learn from start ups and scope to build on skill set and add value to organisation

I have never been great in academics, was always an average scorer. Don't know how much weightage is given to that while applying to colleges.

All I know is I want to clear GMAT with 740+ score and get admission is one of the top 20 colleges.
I request all the experts to please guide me on how to start preparing for GMAT. I am targeting to join MBA course in 2014, by that time I would have had work ex of 30 months+ 2 yrs of self employment.

This is it for now, Have a great year ahead!

Looking forward to hear from you soon:)


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by Jim@StratusPrep » Fri Jan 04, 2013 2:58 pm
There is quite a bit to cover, one place to check is the 60-day GMAT study guide on this site...
GMAT Answers provides a world class adaptive learning platform.
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-- 100% Free Trial and less than $20 per month after.
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by Ronaldpal » Wed May 05, 2021 11:43 am
Welcome aboard Kev
you will find lots of helpful information on this site. How is the PAT testing going? looked in to that business many years ago as a franchise so just curious

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