I want to know about the syllabus and how many assignment enough to MBA. First term session plz guide me sir.

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Joined: Tue Feb 14, 2023 11:42 pm
These are the unique features that make LPU the best private university for MBA. The curriculum is made keeping in mind the current market trends LPU works on the ethos of transformation: transformation of students into well rounded, well-intentioned, discerning change-agents who are capable of multi dimensioned thought process in the rapidly-changing and volatile world. We endeavor to fulfill the need of a student to be employable after attaining a LPU qualification. Going for study abroad and to get the foreign degree is in mind of many aspirants but many times because of various constraints like finances and even acceptance to go at such young age can be a hinderance. There are many reasons why one must study abroad and the reasons can be both academic and otherwise, like studying abroad opens doors to explore a new country, a new culture, a new civilization. All these exploring will expand your horizon, and you may also have immense fun while travelling through some of the famous and not-so-famous destinations of your host country. In LPU,You will get options for credit transfer,semester exchange programme,International exposure programme and master abroad programme.