How to improve score in verbal?

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How to improve score in verbal?

by aries » Wed Nov 16, 2016 8:34 pm
Hi Team,

I gave 2 MGMAT mocks and scored 22 in verbal.

Materials I solved till now:
Manhattan SC/CR
Random PDFs of SC and Egmat easy/Medium questions.

Pls help me out as deadline for ISB R2 is 15th Jan.(I've only 1 month to improve considering I can study mostly on weekends)

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by DavidG@VeritasPrep » Thu Nov 17, 2016 8:22 pm
Here's my verbal crash course:

- Read voraciously everyday for two weeks. (Anything challenging will do.) There's research suggesting that the physiology of our brains changes when we read more: ... in/282952/

- Consider incorporating some mindfulness meditation. ... on/275564/

Afterwards, review the official material you've worked through and see if there are patterns to the questions you've missed. Anything unclear, post here. Jot a few notes to yourself about simple adjustments you can make. Remember that for all the strategies/grammar rules we teach, the verbal section is primarily about logic and focus. Practice boiling everything down to its essence. Always ask yourself, before you select an answer in sentence correction, if the sentence, when read literally, is clear and logical. Before you select an answer in Critical Reasoning always take another moment and ask if your answer really does impact the conclusion. Before you select an answer in Reading Comp ask yourself if there's textual support for that answer. Be relentless. Then hit some fresh official tests: ... ack-1.aspx
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by potapnoine » Sat Sep 25, 2021 4:16 am
I just read the code of the sample of skining, but seems not easy for me to understand. I think it will take some days for me to learn eC language before I can do that.